Leaking Chimney Problems


Stone Chimney Leaking Problems

Example of a stone chimney.

Stone chimneys are build in a similar manner as brick chimneys. Where as brick chimneys are constructed with similar size and dimension masonry units, stone chimneys are often built with un-even, dis-similar stone.  Stone chimneys also experience the same problems as brick chimneys, but often require a little more maintainence on the exterior to prevent water damage.

Expansion and contraction issues.

example of cracks in stone and mortarIn climates with extreme climate changes , hot and cold, wet and dry, stone and mortar can experience expansion cracking issues. This is a problem with the mortar that was too hard or was not struck or sealed properly. If mortar is too hard for the masonry, when the stone and mortar expand and contract, small seperations can form between the stone and mortar because there is no flexibility in the mortar.

Another problem that can develop in stone chimneys is the size of the mortar joints. Stone comes in different shapes and sizes (unless it a cut stone), so when a stone wall is being put up, it is often observed that the mortar joints between the can be uneven in shape and width. As with brick chimneys, mortar absorbs water, so the more surface area of the mortar, the more area for water to absorb in. Then, when the water freezes it expands and again can cause seperations between the stone and joint.

Other leaking issues related to stone chimneys:

Stone chimneys are built almost in the same manner as brick chimneys. Therefore, stone chimneys experience the same types of leaks caused by: